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[SOON] Bad Wings V2

[SOON] Bad Wings V2

Regular price $60.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $60.00 USD
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The primary motivation for redesigning Bad Wings is to simplify the build process by switching to an onboard microprocessor.  I'll be using this listing as a place to keep track of the progress.  If you're after more real time updates, join my Discord server

Use the "Notify me when available" button to sign up to receive an email when V2 goes live.

2024-05-03 - Tracking Shipment

Order has finished fabrication and is on the way to me.  Should be here early next week.  I'll need a few days to flash/verify each of them and put together the kits.  I expect to have them up for sale by Friday.

2024-04-23 - Larger Order and Cirque experiment

A larger order has been placed.  This order should be enough to cover everyone that signed up for a notification.

Since I accidentally ordered a bunch of Cirque with an adhesive overlay on them, I played around with a custom overlay.  This approach makes the touchpad blend into the rest of the case.  I'm unsure if I'll provide this style as an option yet.

2024-04-13 - Soon

Previously mentioned small order has finished fabrication and assembly. Since the number of in-stock notification signups is greater than the number of PCBs in this run, I am considering offering this run to members of the Discord first.  I just want to avoid sending a bunch of notifications to people and then being out of stock again.

2024-04-07 - Small Order Placed

Since I'm still waiting on parts for a full order, I went ahead and did a small run of PCBs since there were enough parts on hand.  Probably have them in a week or two.

2024-04-04 - Case & Ordering Parts

Case is finished.  It's a three part case - tray, switchplate, cirque center.  Hotswap sockets, Cirque touchpads and mounting screws ordered for the kits.  PCB order is on hold while waiting on parts to become available.  I've ordered the missing parts, and as soon as they make it to the factory I'll get the PCBs ordered.  Potentially a couple weeks, but hopefully sooner.

2024-03-17 - Prototype 1

Huge credit to GeorgeN, they were able to find the right config to get the touchpad working.  Looks like I won't need to redesign to use RP2040 after all.  Now, to work on the case.

2024-03-16 - Prototype 1

First prototypes are in, but due to what appears to be firmware configuration issues with the STM32F072, the touchpad is not working.  I'm going to spend a couple more weeks trying to figure out the proper config to get the touchpad operational.  Failing that, I will probably switch to the RP2040.

Switches work just fine though - I'm typing on Prototype 1 right now.  I'm curious if a "no touchpad" option is wanted.  If so, these F072 prototypes are basically it. Some cleanup to remove the touchpad stuff and some minor adjustments to the case is all it'd take.  Let me know if you're interested in something like this.

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